Posts Tagged ‘obesity’

Forget Ebay… Yahoo… Google…

December 28, 2009

All three would like to think of themselves as THE prime money-maker on the internet. But something is far more valuable that shopping, searching, and sales: Pornography.

Why? Think for a moment: the spread of pornography is indicative of what? (And, no, it is not just the degradation of the society, the family structure, and the status of the female in the social structure, although these may play supporting roles.)

Many years ago, I encountered a study conducted on livestock during drought conditions, when food supplies ran low. It seemed the critters feared dying from lack of food and followed their natural instinct: breeding.

Others have noticed this same trend with humans in starvation conditions.

You might wonder why this natural instinct to procreate when all our analytical faculties tell us it should be a time of reducing the number of mouths to feed. Perhaps those instincts tell us there may be more food in the future and so we need to create offspring to get there, just in case we don’t.

Okay, you say, but what has that got to do with pornography?

When your body thinks it is starving, it starts holding onto every spare calorie it can. A lot of the current obesity is caused by people eating food that has no nutritional value but lots of “empty calories”. You can eat and gorge on these processed foods (and these Genetically Modified foods) and your body will panic because it finds no nutritional substances coming in!

So, if your body thinks it is starving…

Many experience weight gains and, in many others, an increased sex drive results. Hence the high attendance at porn sites.

Another of the marvelous side-effects of modern technology. And the conspiracy. (No, they did not create the porn websites, but their actions contribute to the continued success of them, however inadvertent.)

It is just another visible symptom of our social downward-spiral thanks to those “in charge”. I wonder if we can notice other symptoms of social illnesses around us…
